Dr. Jacques G. Fuchs

Picture of  Dr. Jacques G. FuchsDr. Jacques G. Fuchs is the Academic Committee Vice-President and Senior Scientist of Swiss Chinese Herbal Medicine and Functional Food Innovation Center (SwissHerbs.Org) in Zurich of Switzerland.

He graduated in Agronomy of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) with a PhD in soil microbiology. Since 2019, he is an Adjunct Professor of Beijing Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Organic Farming of China Agricultural University (CAU). He contributed to SDC initiated small action on organic waste composting in rural-urban farms in Beijing.

During his career with more than 30 years, he has served as a senior technical expert and consultant in composting technology in Switzerland. He presents an in deep introduction on the way of healthy compost production for agriculture, house users and gardeners. He is a co-author of the Swiss Federal Guide to Compost Quality (Standards) and the founder of Biophyt AG in Mellikon of Switzerland. The Organic Agriculture Research Institute (FiBL) has long been committed to promoting the world’s organic agriculture movement. Dr. Fuchs joined FiBL in 2000 as Senior Expert participating in consulting the establishment of many overseas compost production enterprises. He made outstanding contributions to the development of organic compost in soil utilization in many developing countries.


福克斯博士毕业于瑞士联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)农学专业,并获得土壤微生物学博士学位。2019年起任中国农业大学生物多样性与有机农业北京市重点实验室兼职教授,对由瑞士联邦发展与合作署(SDC)发起的在北京城乡农场举行的有机废物小型堆肥活动给与了技术咨询。


Further information:
Full CV Dr. Jacques G. Fuchs